Kyle I. Kelley

Before & After

Below are some samples of images from Bloody Axe Wound straight from camera (with only the custom Show LUT I designed before production), compared to the final grade. It's fun to see how some shots barely changed, while others completely transformed. 

Drag the slider to the right to see the camera original. Drag it to the left to see the graded results.

Show LUT

Final Grade

The gang in the woods - this whole scene required a lot of work, as we had very little control when we were shooting. The first task was dialing in the color palette to match the rest of the film. Once that was done, I added multiple power windows, both to make the wide shot more interesting and to help match the closeups as the sun came in and out of cloud cover.

Show LUT

Final Grade

Diner - this image really shows the latitude of the Alexa 35. Other than a bit of fill, this scene was lit entirely with the windows. We were confident we'd be able to bring back all the detail we needed in the highlights and the shadows.

Show LUT

Final Grade

Roger Bladecut on the couch - here's one that needed almost nothing. Other than some minor tweaks, the only real change was a power window to bring up Roger's face.

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Final Grade

Fire scene - this scene was a challenge both in production and in the grade. Because of the way we had to schedule our day, we shot this scene as the sun was setting into full darkness. From our first shot to our last, it was a difference of something like 6-8 stops. We were able to maintain consistent exposure by gradually reducing the strength of our ND filters, but color was another issue entirely. To make things even more difficult, a couple of our LEDs were having issues, so one of them was super magenta, and another was very green -- neither of which is ideal! Even so, we were able to pull it together into a cohesive scene.

Show LUT

Final Grade

Show LUT

Final Grade

Show LUT

Final Grade

Show LUT

Final Grade

The Climax - here we just needed everything to match the palette of the rest of the film and not feel quite so happy!

Show LUT

Final Grade

Using Format